Bags are as important as our tops, bottoms and shoes. I feel naked without a bag because I put all my valuables there like my phone, wallet, perfume, etc. And of course, if there are statement heels- there are statement bags too. Check out these super cool and affordable bags/ clutches:

Gold Dot oversized clutch
Don't you just love this futuristic-looking clutch? The fact that it's not colored gold or silver makes it 10x better. Use it during the day or night, for sure it'll definitely stand out.

Miss Sartorial transparent bag
I've been dying to own one of these! I actually saw a Balenciaga bag similar to this- it had a black lining and everything else was transparent. Of course, I couldn't afford it so imagine my joy when I found this one! It's so cute especially if all your things are colorful inside.

Maris Online tote
Speaking of Balenciaga bags... This really caught my attention. I think this will be the perfect recycle bag for me. I don't really have to explain how clever this tote is. End of discussion.

Mamasushi tribal clutch
I'm just a sucker for tribal prints- and I'm so thankful I now own this. It can make any simple outfit look young and funky. Plus the subtle bead work in the middle and strap makes it look more classy.

Of course, if you're going to be going out wearing a nice dress and a cute clutch, it'll be embarrassing if your nails aren't perfectly polished. I hate it when my nails aren't pretty. I think every girl will look extra pretty when they have polish on. It's actually very hard to find nice and reliable online stores that sell nice nail polish and I'm so thankful I found Polished, this online shop that sells the cutest nail polish colors ever. Okay, so you really can't see the colors in this photo (I tried being artsy lang haha) so I'm posting another one so you can see them clearly.

Polished nail polish (L-R):
OPI Holland collection- A Roll In The Hague. Brights is the way to go!
OPI Nicki Minaj Collection- Save Me. Glitter like blue/yellow/pink combination. The best I found so far.
OPI Nicki Minaj Collection- Did It On 'Em. Neon!!! Need I say more?
OPI Nicki Minaj Collection- Metallic 4 Life. For that futuristic vibe.
OPI classic collection- california raspberry. What I'm wearing right now. The color is so classic and sexy.
They don't only sell OPI- they have Essie, Zoya, China Glaze and other amazing nail polish. If you're a true nail polish addict, you'll definitely go crazy with the brand and colors they have. Don't you just love that "kilig" feel you get when you step out of the nail salon? I always show off my hands after haha. By the way, they actually have an ongoing contest now where you can win their China Glaze Magnetix Collection. Check it out HERE. Remember, beautify your nails. BMS.
I love the transparent bag too. I hope I could find one. More power Ms. Laureen! <3
Love the nail polish commercial!
Great way of taking the photos! I love the colors of the nail polishes and I am obsessed with that transparent bag too!
Love love the clutch with the tribal print! :)
How cute naman the colors! :)
great post!
cute idea on how you featured the bags / clutches :)
MARIS & FIRMOO giveaway on The Bargain Doll
I like the Miss Sartorial transperant bag! Great nail polish.
Love these clutches!
OPI is great!!! I choose OPI whenever I visit Nail Tropics in Greenbelt ... :)Great choice!
I left mt Balenciaga at home :) NICE.
Well, hand bag is not only a need in fact now a days its a choice of every fashionista. isn't it..!
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