

Win An iPad Mini (CLOSED)

 Goody, the most widely-recognized name in hair accessories and styling tools, knows that women love the flexibility of pulling their hair up and taking it down throughout the day but the look of an elastic on their wrist or the inconvenience of a headband thrown in their purse is just a nuisance. Now Goody introduces DoubleWear, hair accessory + jewelry in one! And because all girls love Goody, and Goody appreciates all you girls out there... 
Here's my big blog giveaway year ender. I'm going to give away ONE MINI IPAD TO ONE LUCKY READER! Thank you Goody for this. How to join:

       1. Like this post
       2. Like Goody's Facebook fanpage
       3. Follow Goody on Twitter and Instagram (IG is optional for better chances of winning)
       4. Tweet this, " Win an iPad Mini by joining Laureen Uy's @GoodyPH #DoubleWear blog contest! 
 #BMS "
       5. Comment with your name and Twitter ID below and tell me how you can use the DoubleWear.
Ex. " I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail at work and as a bracelet at night when I go to parties. "

PLEASE only comment once because I need to approve it first before it shows on the comments box. Contest period is from December 29-January 12 onlyPrize is to be claimed in 550 Mag. Abad Santos Street Bacood Sta. Mesa, Manila Philippines 1016. Goody will choose the most creative answer and I will be announcing the winners via my Facebook fanpage and Twitter account. Good luck guys. BMS.


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The Sumptuous Style said...

Stephanie Lee

Unknown said...

Maria Louella Dalistan
I can wear the DoubleWear to manage my niece's hair at school and as a anklet when I'm out malling.

Unknown said...

diann david


I can wear the DoubleWear as a bracelet for me and a ponytail for my daughter :)

Unknown said...

May Alcones
"Styling up a sleek or messy bun hair would be easy using the Goody Doublewear! Perfect for officewear!"

Melanie mae Silverio (@mlniemae on twitter) said...

Melanie mae Silverio, @mlniemae: I can use the double wear as accessories every weekends on parties and as pony tail at school. I use them as kikay thingies. :))

Unknown said...

Twitter ID: @n1kk4nn3
"I can wear the DoubleWear as cutey ponytail on school to be more presentable and at night at parties or sometimes in some formal parties I can wear it as my so comfy accessories. It is so useful. Thanks to GoodyPH!"

Anonymous said...

Fritzie Castro Yabut
I can wear my Goody Doublewear as my arm party! :)

Anonymous said...

Marydyl Jimenez
I can wear the double wear at school because we need to tie our hair every time we cook to avoid contamination and as a bracelet at special events like birthday parties, wedding and etc.

Aena Besilia said...

Aena Besilia - @aenadobo
I can wear the Double Wear at school to keep my hair tidy and neat and use it as a bracelet whenever I go to parties.

Anonymous said...

Namce: Camille Gamboa
Twitter ID: camgamboa

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail every time at any occasion.

Dawn said...

Crystal Dawn

I can wear the DoubleWear as a classy bracelet on school uniform days and as a ponytail or a headband on PE days!

Edrea Camille Samonte said...

Edrea Camille Samonte
I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail when I'm at school and as a bracelet when I go to girls night out.

Anonymous said...

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail for my duty 'cos I am a student nurse and as an accesory when I go out!- Flocerfina Dyan M. Rabonza @flocerfinaa

Roween Gamo said...

Roween Allana Gamo


I can use the doublewear as a headband for proper grooming everyday when I'm in school and use it as a bracelet when we shop and go to malls so I can take a picture of myself and blog my photos like Laureen Uy.

Julia Ornedo said...

Name: Julia Ornedo
Twitter ID: @juliaornedo
I can use DoubleWear as a bracelet to match my outfits and even my school uniform, and I can magically transform it into a ponytail when it gets too hot, considering our weather. Fashion and function- two for the price of one!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Mark Endghiel Bal
I can wear the DoubleWear as a bracelet when going to school to add a fashionable look at my school look and use it as ponytail to look neat and feel refreshed when it's hot. :)

Unknown said...

Aena Besilia - @aenadobo
I can use the Double wear at school to keep my hair tidy and neat but still fashionable and also use it as bracelets during parties.

Unknown said...

Isabel Joy P. Lachica, @heyitssab
Actually I have a DoubleWear and it never fails me I can use it as a headband and as well as a fabulous necklace. It was really functional and stylish as well. Thanks Goody for bringing such product to our country.I'm hoping for more years for you.

Unknown said...

Aena Besilia : @aenadobo
I can use the Double Wear to keep my hair neat and tidy at school but still fashionable and also during parties as my bracelets.

Unknown said...

Aena Besilia : @aenadobo
I can use the Double Wear to keep my hair neat and tidy at school but still fashionable and also during parties as my bracelets.

Ria Mae Gutierrez said...

Ria Mae Gutierrez

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail, as pigtails, as a bun, as a fastener to a braid, to get my ballpens together, as a bracelet! There's infinite ways to use the DoubleWear ;)

AJ said...

Maria Anjanette P. Lelis
I can wear the DoubleWear as a bracelet suitable to any outfit during class hours, and wear it as a ponytail as I also change for my jogging attire after class! :)

Unknown said...

Junella Anne Vidal
I can weaar the Doublewear as ponytail in school especially every Monday because Mondays in our college,the College of Tourism and Hospitality Management in the University of Santo Tomas,are bun day and as a bracelet while waiting for my hair to dry up to be fashionably ready.

Anonymous said...

Rogin Heart O. Ballado

I can wear this DoubleWear in tying up my messy hair and at the same time as an accessory during night outs. :)

Blanca Dela Cruz said...

Name: Ma. Blanca Dela Cruz
twitter handle: @nanblancs
IG name: blancadc

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail when I am teaching during the day and as I bracelet when I go out to dinner with my friends.

Unknown said...

I can wear the DoubleWear as a Necklace for Parties and in some Very Imporatant Occations! (birthdays, christening, weddings. Etc..) and Wear it as an Anklet for making myself beautiful and fashionable! I Thank You.

Charlene Clara Dominguez said...

Charlene Clara Dominguez

I can wear the DoubleWear as Ponytail or bracelet at school during our defense, seminars, campus concerts and ordinary days! I can use it too as Ponytail or bracelete whenever I'm out with my girl friends, dating with my boyfriend, and even family days during Sundays! :)

Unknown said...

I can wear the DoubleWear as a Necklace for Parties and in some Very Imporatant Occations! (birthdays, christening, weddings. Etc..) and Wear it as an Anklet for making myself beautiful and fashionable! I Thank You.

Anna said...

Anna Ysabella Rico

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail while commuting to school/work and as a bracelet when I hang out with my friends. :)

Unknown said...

Name: Hubert Rivera
Twitter: @akosibadiks
I can wear the DoubleWear as a gift to my niece to be use as a ponytail and bracelet for her fashion show in their school! thankyou!

Nicole said...

Name: Nicole Sarmiento
Twitter: @nicolesrmiento
Aswer: DoubleWear products are genius.I can wear it for fashion purposes then I can use it as ponytail incase Im feeling warm working. It still looks decent bothways!

Marilyn Gomabo said...

Marilyn Gomabo
I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail at home even malling, everywhere I go and as a bracelet perfect for any occassions :)

Anonymous said...

Dennice Hillary Del Valle
Twitter: @DenniceHillary

I can wear the DoubleWear at school as ponytail, specially this hot weather we have. It's chic style will look good on my hair and will give it a classy touch even in a simple style. Besides from using it as a ponytail, I can also us it as an arm candy specially when me and my friends hangout, the gold and silver colors gives a classy fashion and will rock even just a simple outfit.

Unknown said...

Twitter ID: krazelle

I can use DoubleWear as a bracelet while I am out and about with my little one and if I'm chasing her around, I can wear it as a ponytail to look presentable and not so haggard.

regine cruz said...

REGINE CRUZ @cruzregine

I can wear the DoubleWear as my everday ponytail in my work at the airport and as a necklace & bracelet for malling, diiner-out and parties. :)

Yanni Reyes said...

Marie Alyanna Reyes
i can wear this jewelry/accessory rolled into one in almost anytime of the day as ponytail or bracelet. its unique, fashionable and matches with anything i wear!!! ❤❤❤

florence tapales said...

Florence Tapales - @itsFLORENCET
I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail and bracelet because its very fashionable.

Michelle Diaz said...

Michelle Diaz
I can wear the DoubleWear as a necklace and headband. Cool!

Unknown said...

Kei Rachelle M. Carlos
For me, DoubleWear is very purposive: I can use it at school when I want to groom and set my hair; at home when I need to tie it up; and in parties or occasions, when I like to give my hair a touch of something in style. I find DoubleWear much fashionable than any other brands of hair accessories and styling tools, and suitable in any kind of hair whether it's curly or straight. ☺

Gracee Bongolan said...

Name: Divine Grace Bongolan
Twitter ID: @graceelicious

I can wear the DOUBLEWEAR as a headband while at work so that I can still be stylish even at work and my hair won't get in the way and at night, I can use it as a necklace to complete my outfit while I strut my stuff at a party. :-)

Unknown said...

Name: Hubert Rivera
Twitter: @akosibadik
I can wear the DoubleWear as a ponytail and bracelet for fashion show time.. all in one product. thats awesome!

Marry Ann said...

Marry Ann Mejica
I can use Doublewear almosy anytime anywhere! (Hey that rhymed!) I'll use it to tie my hair when I'm out for a jog, during cooking class since were required to tie our hairs, or in any lazy days where I just want to look casual and not OTT by putting my hair up! Also, it can be great for parties, it acts as an accessory!

Angelique Misa said...

Angelique P. Misa
I will make use of the doubleWear as one of my arm candies and make use of it as a ponytail everytime i'm having a bad hair day! :)

Anonymous said...

Name:Almaira Casanguan
Twitter ID:@maicasanguan
''Aside from using as ponytails and headbands when i'm outside the house i can also put it in my white belt in front of it so it's fashionable,also as an eyeglass holder.''

Unknown said...

Ruth P. Calsada
I can use the DoubleWear as accessories in the morning and ponytail at night because my hair doesn't look good at night.

Junalyn Cabading said...

Junalyn Cabading
Twitter ID: junalyn2991
I can wear the DoubleWear as a bracelet and pony at all times but usually I use it as pony because I had a bad hair day everyday since I can't afford to go to salon . Happy New Year Miss Lauren"

Kirstine Louise Isaac said...

Kirstine Louise G. Isaac
I can wear the Double wear as my bracelet all day then when i feel hot i just tie up my hair using it.

Maria Claudia Saavedra said...

Maria Claudia Saavedra
"I can wear DoubleWear because I have been growing out my hair for locks of love and seem to wear it more and more in a ponytail and at the same time I can use it as bracelet when I go out. "

Unknown said...

I can use the DoubleWear in my volleyball training as Ponytailer and use it as bracelet for fashion in school after. <3 - Alecx Jarmaine Aguilar @lecxclusive

joycebentoy said...

Maria Joyce Bentoy

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail at work since I work in a construction site in the morning and as head band in the evening while a cook dinner for my family.

Anonymous said...

"even if i am gay i think i can use the goody doublewear as a necklace at parties and maybe as everyday accesories while im off duty as the same time i can allow my sister to borrow it to me to use it as a hair acceso and bracelet and also necklace to a simple plain glam dress. that goody doublewear is a must have before 2012 ends and 2013 begins.:)

Anonymous said...

-I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail/headband everyday, because it give style to my look.

Anonymous said...

Joy Lastimoso @joywentshopping: I can use the Double Wear as ponytail and headband when I workout and as bangles when I go out.

Georgette said...

Name: Georgette Belmonte
Twitter name: GetteBelmonte

Being a spontaneous person, I need things that are multipurpose so I won't have to bring too much stuff with me everyday. I can use the Doublewear products as headbands & ponytails during the day in school, and then use them as a classy stack of necklaces or stack of bracelets later on to a fancy dinner/night out with my friends! :)

Emilio Hortillosa said...

Emilio Hortillosa

It would be a perfect gift for my sister, a nurse, who needs to have a presentable & neat hair during her duty without sacrificing her fashion sense & sossy look with Goody accessories! :)

Unknown said...

Maribelle "Mabel" Bernales
I can wear the DoubleWear by using it both as a ponytail or as a bracelet whenever I go out depending on my mood or the weather.

Unknown said...

Esteedel-Jane Rey
Twitter: @imyour_Cookie
I can surely wear this DoubleWear as an accessories for the new years eve. it'll surely match my lucky emerald green outfit. :) P.S. i dont have instagram so can't follow it on instagram :/

Unknown said...

Lorena Vicedo
Twitter Name: VforVicedo
IG Name: itsmelcv
I can wear the DoubleWear for braided hairstyles at school and as gold and silver bracelet at night when I go to dinner parties. I totally love it!

ngerkz™ said...

Jzan Vern Tero
I can wear the DoubleWear both day and night! Daytime is obviously humid at all times so DoubleWear is perfect to be stylish and be comfortable at the same time. While on the nighttime, you want to let your hair flow to match your sexy dress and be stylish by wearing DoubleWear as your accessory. It's like hitting two birds with one stone!

Dian dela Cruz said...

Twitter ID: @missdian

Since my job is about fashion, I always make sure that i look good and presentable at work. I can definitely use the Goody DoubleWear as a ponytail or head wrap to keep my hair up or down with STYLE. And if I feel like letting my hair down again, I can wear them as fashionable bracelets or necklaces. In that way I'll never have to worry about losing them again like I always do.

Anonymous said...

Chrystalline Gale Calvez

I can use the Doublewear anytime. ;)

Irish Grace said...

hi Laureen :)

Name is: Irish Grace Anduyan
twitter: @ishtagram

"since i got frizzy hair these days, i can wear the DoubleWear as pony tail especially at work when im dealing with clients for me to look presentable. when i'll be out shopping for books or whatnot, i'll use the DoubleWear as shirt accessory para glam!" :)

Cheska said...

Cheska Balingit
I can wear the DoubleWear whenever I'm having a bad hair day and can also wear it as a bracelet perfect for an arm party! I love it because of its 2 in 1 feature!

littlemisspoleng said...

Marie Paulyn Dela Cruz
"I can use the DoubleWear as a ponytail and spare accessory that I can use in some occasion so that I don't need a lot of accessories to bring :"

Anonymous said...

Patricia Pedro
I'm usually running late to school and that means I have wet hair and it also means I stash everything on my bag, including ponytails. When it's time to tie my hair, I have to search far and wide in my bag just to find a ponytail! It's a good thing Goody came up with such an idea. I can wear DoubleWear as a sleek bracelet with my uniform and when it's time to tie my hair, I can easily reach for it. No hassle! :)

Unknown said...


I can use doublewear as ponytail and add as my accessories like braided bracelets. :) Anytime anywhere! Silver goody doublewear is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Twitter: @jenjen2930
I can use the doublewear as a headband when I go to work and a necklace when I go to Church.

Anonymous said...

Eldrei Vicedo
Twitter Name: IamECV
Answer: I can wear the DoubleWear as elastic, comfy, and classy headband at school and as classy gold and silver necklace at family gatherings!

Unknown said...

Reina Stella Barimbao
"I can wear the DoubleWear as a ponytail at school (since it will be summer soon and walking around UP to go to classes is...well you know ;D) and an accessory at night for parties."

ia erika caira said...

" I can use the new Goody Doublewear as a hairband when going out for coffee dates with my girlfriends and wear it as a necklace on night outs!"

name: Ia Erika Caira T. Tabotabo
twitter: @iaerikacaira

Rochella Velasco said...

Rochella Velasco

I can bun my hair using DoubleWear as ponytail while I'm studying, eating or strolling somewhere. It can also be a bracelet whenever I don't want to bun my hair since it is fashionable. ;)

Rochella Velasco said...

Rochella Velasco

I can bun my hair using DoubleWear as ponytail while I'm studying, eating or strolling somewhere. It can also be a bracelet whenever I don't want to bun my hair since it is fashionable. ;)

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

I can wear Doublewear at work when i go on duty at the hospital and be fashionable as well.

Agnes dela cruz

Len Jacildo said...

Len Jacildo: @lenjacildo

I can stack Goody's Doublewear with my watch and bracelets to create my own arm candy.

Anonymous said...

Ed-ian Villanil
I will wear it as bracelet on my toe.

Anonymous said...

I can use it everyday in school as ponytail and even in a party as a bracelet :)- Francine Lopez @frncnlpz

Anonymous said...

Name: Lourderita Vicedo
Twitter Name: AchiLauren
Hair Accessory +Jewelry in one! I will wear it as classy headband at work and as elegant necklace at dinner parties which will make my girls envy me!

Unknown said...

Name: Sam Rayco
Twitter ID: @sambodeh
I can use the doublewear everyday! Whenever I feel like tieing my hair during class or just wearing it as an accessory during unexpected getaways! It's definitely an answered prayer for us girls. :)

carlo lualhati said...

I will use this a perfect gift for my three sisters since they love high class/quality, elegant and wearable accessories. They can uses as bracelet or hair accessories because it is functional and flexible.

afnf said...

I can wear the DoubleWear as a ponytail at school and as an accessory when I go shopping.

Anonymous said...

Name:Rafelyn Elaine Dela Cruz
Twitter ID: nylefar12

I can use Goody's Doublewear in every occasion. May it be in a party with a headband or a bracelet or it can be sporty as well. ;)

Joan Sotto said...

Joan Mary Sotto

I can use the DoubleWear as ponytail specially in school. Some ponytails don't last on my "makapal" na hair. I just knew that it can be an accessory, so awesome! :)

1 said...

Joana Patricia Decilos
I can use the Double Wear as an accessory everytime I go out and as a ponytail or headband when the weather get hot :)

clarisse said...

I can wear the DoubleWear with any crazy style that I'd love to do with my hair and use it as an alternative to bangles or bracelets whenever I hangout with my friends.

Danelle Clarisse B. Gozon

Unknown said...

NAME:Rachel Z. Ibañez
TWITTER ID:123786811
" I can wear DoubleWear as ponytail everyday when i'm going outside and a bracelet in parties to be ready if the weather is hot"

Anonymous said...

Crislyn de Leon

I can wear the DoubleWear as Headband at school and home and as necklace on any event especially on parties. :)

Kenchicon Magno said...

Kenchicon Magno
I can wear the DoubleWear as bracelet everyday at school and whenever I am at the mall !It surely makes me look more glamarous! Peole will look at me as an elegant woman ! I can even use it as a gift to my friends and loved ones ! I can wear double wear also as ponytail at school and at the mall , whenever I am ! it suits my style !

Jessica Hazel Brito said...

Twiiter and IG: @jesshazelbrito
I can use the Goody Doublewear as part of my armcady and a ponytail at school :)

Unknown said...

Maria Liza Dimaculangan

I can wear the doublewear as ponytail when I'm doing household chores and as a headband when I do dates with my unica hija, I can even share it with my fashionista daughter!

Valerie Joy Dominguez said...

I can use the double wear as a ponytail during laboratory time and as a arm candy during our Lecture time and on normal days I can use as a necklace. :)

Unknown said...

Mikee Mae Garcia
It's a perfect match to one of my Terner watches.I can wear it as a bracelet on school and use it as ponytail whenever I have to especially during PE and lab classes. Very useful accessory, indeed.
I wish to win the Ipad Mini as a graduation gift! Happy New Year ^_^

Hazel Karen Raz said...

HazeL Karen Raz

I can use the #DoubleWear as a ponytail while swimming and as a bracelet when I am lounging by the beach!

Anonymous said...

Full Name: Hyster Marie Fuentes
Twitter I.D. :@hysterf

I can wear the DoubleWear as an added accessory to my work uniform either as a bracelet or as a hair tie.

Anonymous said...

Veverly Fajardo

I always lose my ponytail at work and with DoubleWear, I can use it as a bracelet first and later to tie neatly my hair before the big meeting with the bosses!

Joyful Mess said...

Maan Laxa

Twitter/ Instagram: @maanlaxa

I can use the Goody DoubleWear as ponytailer at home and as a cool accessory-slash-emergency scrunchie whenever I go out. :-)

Anonymous said...

Corinne Fernandez
I can wear the Doublewear almost everyday! Whether I go to the mall or even at home,I use it as a bracelet and ponytail too!

Patricia Garcia said...

Patricia Garcia
I use DoubleWear every time I commute to keep my hair from scattering and as an accessory when I go out with my friends.

Kris G said...

Kriszar Ofiaza
Wow! Apart from using it as a ponytail to my long hair and using it as an arm candy para everyday ready whenever the sun is scorching hot and stay fresh.. I've learned that it can also be used as a "burloloy" on my ancient phone. I've put it on my phone and the old phone became more stylish and GOODY! How cute! ☺☺

Unknown said...

Carlmel Joy Escuadro

I can use the Goody Doublewear at work and of course will wear this on Friday's night out.Will surely recommend this also with my friends!:) This is the invention that girls have been waiting for!yeah! ;D

apol said...

Name: Christine Apple Añora
Twitter ID: @apolpap
I can use the Goody Doublewear as headband at home because I hate my bangs, and as necklace when I go to malls. :)

Malycartee said...

Faith Agbuya
Twitter and IG: @malycartee
I can use the Goody Doublewear as part of my hygiene like fixing my hair and many stuffs. :)

Unknown said...

Maria Eileen Celestial Caballero
Twitter: @chokiemallows

I most definitely can use the Goody DoubleWear as an elegant headband for when I attend formal parties and I could let my hair loose and use it as a bracelet for when I'm on the dance floor!

Unknown said...

Sorry. I forgot to include my Info.
Facebook: John Rodney Flores
Twitter: @RodneyFlores04

I can wear the DoubleWear as a Necklace for Parties and in some Very Imporatant Occations! (birthdays, christening, weddings. Etc..) and Wear it as an Anklet for making myself beautiful and fashionable! I Thank You.

Unknown said...


I want to wear the goody double wear as a headband when I am at work and wear it as a choker at the party.

Unknown said...

Cathrina Sarmiento

"i'm very fond of armcandy! and the very fashionable Goody Double wear is a great addition to my bracelet collection. And also i can wear it as a ponytail to fix my messy hair! :)"

lori said...

In a world wherein versatility is a must, I can use Goody's doublewear when my arm needs some spicing up and also when the heat is being impossible. Chic and useful, really a must have.

Kricelle A. said...


I can use the double wear as a pony for casual days, headband for dates or formal occasions and bracelet to spice up any outfit!

Unknown said...

Marilyn Fernando
I will wear it in evry way to suit my outfit everyday. Bracelet & necklace when malling, headband at Church & ponytail when jogging. Whatever I do, wherever I go, doublewear can always make me glamourous and fashionable!

Anonymous said...

Paige Yu

DoubleWear can do a lot of purpose for styling, comfort and fashion. I can use DoubleWear as headband, tie buns for hair or wear it as an accessory like bracelets, anklets and the like.

Alyssa Jane Saluta said...

Alyssa Jane A. Saluta

I can use Goody's Doublewear as a ponytail or headband or even an accessory. That's how useful Doublewear is! =)

Unknown said...

Eunice Domingo Alipio

I can wear the DoubleWear as headband and at the same time necklace on parties. I'll look more elegant with my hair pulled down with only a headband on and a necklace to add glamour to my dress-up. It'll be a perfect match! :)

Unknown said...

Abigail Magpantay @fangirlalooo

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail or something to hold my hair at school and as a bracelet or a necklace during nights out at school break. This is a big must for students! :)

Unknown said...

Cres Marie M. Tadena
I can use goody double wear to keep my hair neat and clean while i work as a nurse and use it as a fashion statement in my hands which can make me stand out.

Alyssa Ilano said...

Alyssa Ilano

I can wear the Goody Double wear anywhere, anytime! It can serve as a finishing touch to an awesome outfit or it can be m savior for a bad hair day and use it as a ponytail or headband. I can even use it as a bracelet, necklace, anklet or tweak it up and use it as a design in clothes, bags or anything else. You can always have fun with Goody Doublewear, I now I do! :)

Leyanna Fortes said...

Leyanna S. Fortes
I can use the doublewear as a ponytail and use it as bracelet without looking awkward.

Say said...

Say Yap
I can wear the DoubleWear anytime to save my hair's life and use it as a jewelry in one ♥♥

d said...


I love it because the cutest thing that you can use it as a necklace when you don’t need to tie your hair yet, and just pull it up into a sleek hair band when you do! Oh so Fashionable!

Unknown said...

I Can wear the DoubleWear at School and in other events, So that I will look glamorous.Even though my Outfit is Hideous, They will have a sparkly look at the DoubleWear, I'm Wearing.

Hanna Abejo said...

Hanna Abejo

I would use doublewear as ponytail and headband for my long hair at school and as a classy bracelet or necklace to have a glam everywhere I go.

Anonymous said...

Alaine Figueras
Goody's doublewear best describes the simple yet classy look! I could wear them as arm candies or use them to tie my hair whenever I have/need to.

JOMARIE said...

Jomarie Talampas
I can wear the DoubleWear as necklace at day and night when I go to office and parties.

Anne said...

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail at work and as a necklace for friday casual look.

jhoanne luna

Anne said...

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail at work and as a necklace during friday for a more casual look.

jhoanne luna

Anonymous said...

name: Mikaella Patrisha Bouffard
twittername: @trishabouffard

I can wear the DoubleWear as a hair headband and necklace.

Dino said...

Joanalyn Dino

I can use the DoubleWear as a ponytail to manage my hair. Through that, I can save time while still looking pretty. I can be ready anytime and anywhere! :-)

Twitter: @dinoooj

graize said...

i can wear it a a pony tail or headband during dance rehearsal..

Twitter and IG : graizecious

MynameisJaCruz said...

I could use my double wear for a top knot or a bun. Its very classy and chic.

Janina mariel cruz

Unknown said...


Such a very versatile accessory!Really wanna have one :3 I can use it as a jewelry and a hair accessory and look stylish and elegant anytime! :))

Anonymous said...

Alyssa Pamela Sanchez
I can use Doublewear as bracelet and as ponytail :>

Lau Ele said...

Laurice Viana Ele

I can use the DoubleWear as a necklace on days out with my friends, and as a headband to keep my hair in place during the hot weather.

Yen said...

Name: Helen Rose Cuenca
Twitter: @yencuenca

I can wear Doublewear as a headband or as a ponytail during bad hair days and as a bracelet when my hair is down.

Unknown said...

Vanessa Gaudiano Piang
I can use the DoubleWear as I tie my hair when I'm in school and as a fashion accessory when I hang out with my friends whenever I go :">

iamangelique said...

Angelique Ann Inguillo

Not only doublewear helps me stay my hair in place but it also helps my outfit stand out for its classy design! :)

Unknown said...

Rina Joyce B. Exconde
twitter: @rinaajoyce

"i can use the doublw wear as my pony tail in school and at the same time to have a simple fashionable look" :))

Diana baluyot said...

I can wear the DoubleWear as a headband when I'm at school. A necklace at night when I'm at the parties! Bracelet for any family gathering and other occasions! This doublewear can really spice up my style! And so fashionable! I love accessories! It suits me well! It's a 3 in 1 combo! love it! <3 Would love to have those and the iPad mini <3 :)God bless laureen! I'm a big fan of yours! <3

Anonymous said...

Maria Victoria Rivera

I can wear double wear anytime, as an hair accessory or a jewel, it will give your porma a twist

MissAprilg said...

April Grace Gregorio

"Styling up a messy bun hair would be easy using the Goody Doublewear! at the same time it is Fashionsble

Laira Jamille said...


I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail at while running or while in the gym and when I go swimming! I can also use it as a bracelet when going out shopping to be more fashionable :)

Jenniya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Name: Jenifer Balatico
Twitter: @itsme_JHENZtine
IG: itsme_JHENZ
Answer: Goody Doublewear is the best instrument to facade your hair accessory into a fancy jewelry. Nowadays, women especially fashionista out there are looking for something unique and dominant accessory. This is not a stand alone hair accessory but an odd addition for a fashion accessory on the go :)

Unknown said...

Vanessa Gaudiano Piang
I can use the DoubleWear as I tie my hair when I go to school and as a fashion accessory whenever I hang out with my friends :">

Unknown said...

Jenalyn D. Medrano

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail when I need to work on some errands without having trouble with my hair on my face and use it as a bracelet anytime anywhere.

Anonymous said...

I super love this DoubleWear i can wear this as a fashionable bracelet anytime, anywhere and also a cute ponytail, it can be a gorgeous necklace, or a headband im sure it looks so pretty with my Bangs *_* @charlottecaraig

Unknown said...

Mary Grace Goles

I can wear #DoubleWear as my ponytail at school to keep my hair fix and nice. and at the same time I can wear it as bracelet at night to keep me in style and fashionable when I hangout with my friends.

Sheri-Paola Lirio said...

Sheri-Paola Lirio

I looove Doublewear cause of its double purpose! I can wear it during the day as a ponytail when I feel like looking fresh and glam, and I can use it at night as an accessories -either bracelet, necklace or even an anklet as well! :)

Unknown said...

Geela Garcia

I can wear the Goody Double Wear as a headband so that my bangs won't annoy me while I use the iPad mini that I'll win (haha) Or if I'm not using the iPad mini I can use it as a necklace or an arm candy. In that way, Goody can help me be stylish and practical conveniently. :)

Unknown said...

Mica Ella P. de Jesus

I'll use it as a hairband whenever I'm in school ( to look neat )

I'll use it as a ponytail whenever I feel hot

I'll braid my hair and use it whenever I go to malls or parks

I'll use it as a bracelet to partner w/ my outfit in any ocassion or party.

I can use it as a necklace too :)

We can always try something new right? :) It's a Multi-purpose Doublewear :)

Quima May L. Renegado said...

I can use the Doublewear to wear my hair in a ponytail (because it sometimes becomes buhaghag)and I can also use it as an accessory whenever I go out. :)

Anonymous said...

Sofia Manzano

I love the Goody DoubleWear because I can wear it to school, to the mall, & to parties! It's so fashionable and cool, you can wear it as a bracelet, a necklace, a headband, & a ponytail. And it is really comfy to wear everyday :)

Joy Deocades said...

Joy Deocades

As a mountaineer ponytail is a must have for me, I have to tie my hair with DoubleWear to make me look good even when im sweating and as bracelet to make me fashionable even im in mountain.

Anonymous said...

Aina Rabutin
Doublewear will be used in any occcasion for my hair or wrist for me to look classy and elegant.

Unknown said...

Jelin Sumaya

I can use it as a ponytail if necessary and as a bracelet while hanging out.

Unknown said...

Actually, I don't have long hair but I can wear the DoubleWear as an accessory as a bracelet or as a hairband. :)-Kennard Fronda @famouskennard

Unknown said...

Fanny E. Pascual / iamfannypascual

"With the Goody Doublewear, I can do all things in one! I can tie my hair to feel clean and good. At the same time, I can use it fashionably great anytime and anywhere I go!"

Anonymous said...

Name: Aizelle May Valerio
Twitter ID: @aizeenyurita

I use it to push back my hair in an instant to achieve my pony-on-the-go look while I'm at work. When going out with friends, I stack it up on my wrist for a trendier look. They easily disguise into fashionable bracelets at night. It's like putting the fun into style with Goody's DoubleWear Elastics!

Jane Pabillore said...

-Jane Carmelite Pabillore
- I've never been to ponytailing my long hair. But with the Stylish DoubleWear I will surely ponytailed my hair everyday at school or i can also use it as my arm bracelet. :)

Mico dela Cruz said...

Chellene dela Cruz
I can use the DoubleWear as a necklace in school and as a headband after class to keep my hair off my face when I do homework!

Anonymous said...

Ofelia Nudalo @FairyOfelia

I can wear the DoubleWear to manage the hair of my only daughter when she's at school and I can use it as a ponytail on my hair and also as a cute design of my bag.

JayAnne said...

Lianne K.

From ouchless, slide Proof and Mosaic hair accessories,..i love my New Goody Doublewear bracelet! Can't leave home without it! As a chic bracelet (perfect when layered) and as a ponytail when the sun and wind goes crazy at construction site! Definitely a must for every ladies out there! <3

Annabelle Lingao said...

Annabelle Lingao

I can wear the DoubleWear as bracelet while at work to give that unexpected detail to a corporate look, and then use it as ponytail after work when going to my dance fitness class to give me the neat feeling while groovin' my way to fitness. Talking about hittin' fashion and fitness in one DoubleWear.

Unknown said...

Claudine Marie Tinio
I can use Doubleware as a headband during school and a charm bracelet afterwards. Nothing more can ever be useful and fashionable at the same time :)

Kristine Marion Japor said...

I can wear the DoubleWear as a hair accesory and a jewelry anytime, anywhere, as it is simple and elegant in many ways. :)

myr said...

Myrah Estelloso
I can use the DoubleWear as ponytail while doing my online activities at home and I cna use it as a bracelet whenever I'm out with friends.

Fati Recede said...

Fati Recede
This coming summer 2013, I will use Goody DoubleWear to braid, ponytail, bun whatever matches my swimsuit and use it as necklace and bracelet to match my summer dress <3

jhessica said...

jhessica recto
i use DoubleWear as accesories

jhessica said...

jhessica recto
i use it as bracelet

Lala said...

Eloesita Valderama

Gonna make myself a statement fashionista mom (even i'm a stay-at-home-mom), i can wear the Goody Doublewear with style as a trend bracelets or love to wear an effortlessly chic headband or undeniably eye catching and totally convincing necklace when i go on shopping or supermarket.

Judee Mae DC. Buco said...

Name: Judee Mae DC. Buco
Twitter ID: @judeencredible
answer: I can wear the DoubleWear everyday, why? because as a student we need to make ourselves look neat and at the same time fashionable since, teenagers nowadays wants to express themselves through simple accessories. I can use that as a bracelet when I am riding in a public transportation, when I am hanging out with my friends to mall, parties and use it as a ponytail when it's our P.E and Lab time so that my hair won't scatter on my face and to look presentable even in class. :)

Bea Kathrina Codog said...

Bea Kathrina Codog

Goody DoubleWear is perfect for a busy woman at work. Since I have short hair, I'll use it as a hairband to keep my hair tidy and away from my eyes while working. I can also use DoubleWear to accessorize my office clothes so I can go straight to a dinner date or a party. DoubleWear looks pretty and trendy as bracelets or necklaces especially when you pile them up.

FUNCTION and FASHION in one. So brilliant! :)

Lala said...

Eloesita Valderama

Gonna make myself a statement fashionista mom (even i'm stay-at-home-mom) i can wear Goody DoubleWear with style as a trend bracelets or love to wear an effortlessly chic headband or undeniably eye catching and totally convincing necklace when i go on shopping or to supermarket.

Anonymous said...

Merc Nathaniel Nudalo


I can use the DoubleWear to manage the hair of my beloved younger sister and I can use it as a fashion accessory or a/an bracelet/anklet.

Anonymous said...

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail in my school (PUP) this coming 2013 and it will help me a lot because in my school it is not air condition. hope to win :)

chrisia marie sanqui said...

Chrisia Marie Sanqui

I can wear the Doublewear as a hair accessories and as a bracelet. I have very long hair and live in a hot climate. Therefore, i always love to pull my hair back in a ponytail. These bands look great in my hair and also on my wrist! No more ugly looking elastics around my wrist. It's Doubled the Fun!

Anonymous said...

Ayessa Arboleda

Goody's DoubleWear Elastics has become my life saver for my bad hair days. I use it to hold my tresses in place for the most versatile look in the morning. At night, the gold and silver bearings of the elastics morph into an item of jewelry on my wrist.

Anonymous said...

Andrea Barro

Necklace, Ponytail, bracelet! I can use it anytime at any occasion. Lovely

katya said...

Maria Kate Bisquera
I can wear the Doublewear as a ponytail and a bracelet in any occasion ^^,

katya said...

Maria Kate Bisquera
I can wear the Doublewear as a ponytail and a bracelet in any occasion ^^,

Anonymous said...

Sofia Manzano

I love the Goody DoubleWear because I can wear it to school, to the mall, & to parties! It's so fashionable and cool, you can wear it as a bracelet, a necklace, a headband, & a ponytail. And it is really comfy to wear everyday :)

eunice capuli said...

Eunice Capuli
I can use the doublewear as a ponytail that I can use whenever I travel and also as necklace perfect for my plain white shirt.

Unknown said...

Sally Joy Naredo

I can wear DOUBLEWEAR when i'm going to Jog around our place every Sunday and would be my necklace when we are going to church after we JOG

Anonymous said...


can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail at work and as a Necklace whenever i go out with friends for a gimik.

Anonymous said...

Abie Caponpon

It's practical to wear the Goody DoubleWear when you have long hair and is out there saving lives.

Ps: i'm a nurse and soon to be doctor :)

Jureez Lopez said...

NAME: Jureeza Lopez

"I can surely use DoubleWear as a great hair accessory, in so many different hairstyles. This is perfect for New Years eve!.
You cannot only use goody DoubleWear for styling your hair, it can also be use in so many ways like: wearing it as a necklace, bracelet, anklet, add bling to your wardrobe and lastly it can also be use as a shoe accessory, it's like expanding your shoe collection by just adding the perfect glamour and style! :))"

venus legaspi said...

Venus legaspi

I will wear DoubleWear it in every way to suit my outfit everyday to make me glamourous and fashionable!and also to keep my hair look good when i use it. :)

Lorraine Carla Laplap said...

Lorraine Carla Laplap
I can use it the whole day without worrying if its gonna ruin my hair. I've been a goody user since high school(college grad) and it really gives a worry-hair-free day! The best.

Anonymous said...


I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail at work and as a bracelet at night when I go to parties

chrisia marie sanqui said...

Chrisia Marie Sanqui

I can wear Doublewear as a hair accessory and as jewelry. These lovely things, actually chic, affordable, surprisingly well-made elastics that sport a thin metal tube look amazing with a plain white blouse, or even dressy or anything else. and they look fabulous stacked with other jewelry too! I can easily pull my hair back with them when i want things off my face. And then drop them back onto my neck or my wrist when my hair needs to come down for awhile. They're just brilliant. This is a new beauty style that brings a kind of beauty for me and for all the woman 2-in-1 usage. It's Doubled the Fun.

Anonymous said...

Chinly Arimbuyutan


I can wear the DoubleWear as pigtail to my unica ija. And at the same time i can wear it to accessories any kind of style cause its simple yet classy with the gold & silver metal.;)

Unknown said...

DoubleWear will surely fits my lifestyle. I can wear it as bracelet in the morning since I don't tie my hair when it's wet then I can wear it as ponytail in the afternoon especially on the times that I'm busy doing school stuffs. I don't like my hair get stuck in my face especially when the weather is hot. Then in the evening - "the gimik time" , I can let my hair down then use the DoubleWear as bracelet again. Perfect for blouse + jeans. Right? Plus, DoubleWear is so practical to use for us women,-we won't be loosing our ponytails now! :)

Queenly Tan said...

Catherine Queenly Tan
I can wear the DoubleWear as half ponytail at school and as a bracelet when going to a dinner with friends after.

Unknown said...

Ma. Luciene Anne Pangan

DoubleWear will surely fits my lifestyle. I can wear it as bracelet in the morning since I don't tie my hair when it's wet then I can wear it as ponytail in the afternoon especially on the times that I'm busy doing school stuffs. I don't like my hair get stuck in my face especially when the weather is hot. Then in the evening - "the gimik time" , I can let my hair down then use the DoubleWear as bracelet again. Perfect for blouse + jeans. Right? Plus, DoubleWear is so practical to use for us women,-we won't be loosing our ponytails now! :)

Roch Gementiza said...

Roch Gementiza
I can wear the DoubleWear anytime as a hairpiece to school and a necklace for parties!

Unknown said...

I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail and hairband at school and as bracelet at afternoon when I go to mall or market coz' it's very trendy and fashionable

angelhasflownaway said...

Angelica Bernadette E. Manalo

I can wear the DoubleWear anytime because aside from making my hair neat it can also make me fashionable just like Laureen Uy!

Sheryl Anne Crame said...


I can wear the DoubleWear as a bun during my culinary classes, as a ponytail on normal days and as an arm candies on parties. :)

B Osteria said...

Bianca Lynn Osteria
I can use the Double Wear as a headband when working out to keep my hair from falling to my face and/or use it as a ponytail. On occassions like family reunion, I can instantly look fabulous using the DoubleWear as a necklace.

Unknown said...

Kim Seitu L. Bato
I can wear the DoubleWear as ponytail and as headband to look neat and also I can use it as an accessory in different clothes.

GelaV said...

Angela Valiente
Twitter/IG: gelabebe
Tweet URL:

I have short hair but that doesn't limit me from wearing Goody's DoubleWear.

Here's 3 ways I can wear Goody's DoubleWear:
1. As a headband on ordinary days.
2. As jewelry on special occasions (and on days that I feel good about myself).
3. I can easily give any simple outfit an added touch of pizzazz using DoubleWear - I just chain my stash of DoubleWears together (like rubber bands) and turn it into a belt. The silver/gold accent gives any outfit that extra "oomph"!

Fashion and function in one! How awesome is that!?

Erika Timbang said...



I can wear Goody Double wear as a classy bracelet anytime and as ponytail at school whenever we have laboratory class or whenever i fell like tying up my hair. :) I was surprised for this and i'm going to buy one soon because i always wearing ponytail in my arm. I think it's perfectly awesome. :)

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