

Sunset at Pearl Drive

(Forever 21 top, Space blazer, Zara slacks, Pedro heels)

What was supposed to be a busy day in school turned out to be a fun one. First activity in our class was to analyze a dramatic video and give out a brand and a tagline that can relate to the video-- It was so entertaining I didn't even feel like I was in class. And what greater news to hear than a free cut on your last class? Perfect for my heels too, I'm not used to wearing stilettos anymore after so many days of wearing wedges. 
Took shots by the washing machine (that's what we call this round-about area in our school) during sunset. Lovely shots and photo editing by Kaye Matriano. I super love how she edits photos. The sunset and the editing is so perfect. Now I want all my photos to look like this, I just don't know how. xx


Tara Cabullo said...

Very beautiful shots, indeed =)

Anonymous said...

I love sunsets <3